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Kenniff Leadership recruits senior directors and executives on behalf of its clients, and also provides leadership consulting services.  Based in Montréal, the firm conducts assignments across Canada.  It also has access to a dynamic and effective international network of search consultants that spans all continents.

The ability of Kenniff Leadership to satisfy its clients both in obtaining results and in providing high quality service, is the hallmark of the firm.  Its success rests on many elements:

  • An excellent understanding of client needs based on in-depth discussions at the start of an assignment;
  • Well-established networks in the fields of business, government, science, culture and education;
  • Pride in a thorough job well done in identifying and assessing the best candidates;
  • Respect for all persons we deal with in the course of an assignment (clients, candidates, sources and references);
  • Constant counsel and support for the client through each phase of the search process, as well as regular follow-up with candidates while their candidacy is under active consideration.